The woman who had 51 cosmetic surgeries to look like Egyptian Queen Nefertiti
Nileen Namita, a 49-year-old artist and mother of three from England, underwent 51 cosmetic surgeries to achieve her dream of looking like Queen Nefertiti. Spurred by her belief that she was Nefertiti, the sun-worshipping wife of Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten -- Namita has spanned more than 20 years and paid around £200,000 (approximately $360,000). The 51 surgeries, including eight nose jobs and three facelifts, have all been on her face, and there are additional nose and lip tweaks on the horizon.
Edwards claims she has been contacted by Playboy about the possibility of a photo shoot.
The mother who had surgery just to look like her daughter
The twin sisters who paid £60,000 on surgery to look completely identical
The Octuplet's mom who wanted to look like Angelina Jolie
Suleman denied speculation that she had plastic surgery to look like the Oscar winner.
The woman who underwent plastic surgery to look like her husband's ex wife
A man in China has convinced his new wife to undergo plastic surgery so she could resemble his dead first wife. Zhao Gang, 32, from Chongqing city, China, lost his first wife in a car accident three years ago and now wants his new wife to look exactly like the dead one.
Zhao said he only got married because his new bride looks a bit like her and he wanted to have a chance to make up for his mistakes. Now, he wants his new bride to undergo plastic surgery so she would really resemble his dead wife. Fortunately for him, his second wife agreed to his suggestion. His unidentified wife told the newspaper, “I feel conflicted. I don't want to become another's shadow, but I also don't want to lose the family. Now I only hope the surgery will not make me look ugly.” Zhao said, “Maybe it's more or less unfair to her, but she has agreed and I will embrace her with all my love.”
The female impersonator who spent $ 16,000 to look like Michael Jackson
UK mother of three Miki Jay has proven that you don't have to be black or even a male, to be a professional Michael Jackson impersonator. Jay has spent £8000 (about $16,000) on plastic surgery to look like Jackson, getting her nose, chin and cheeks remodeled. "Most people know I'm a woman but it doesn't bother them," says Jay, who claims to earn £120,000 ($240,000) a year as an impersonator. Mikki, 39, became obsessed with the King of Pop after winning a talent show in 1991.
The woman who beat the world record for most plastic surgeries to become a real-life Barbie
The half-million pound costs include: £32,000 to have her whole face lasered to remove a layer of skin to give it a more youthful look; £26,500 on perfecting her bust – including having it reduced and the nipples moved; £30,000 on keeping her jawline firm; nearly £15,000 on her tummy; and £14,000 on keeping her bottom pert. The mother-of-three has undergone more than 100 surgical and cosmetic treatments. Her passion for going under the knife started after she had reconstruction surgery on her face after being beaten up and left for dead.
The dying woman who spent £40,000 on plastic surgery to look like Demi Moore
Despite being a stunning brunette, Lisa has never been happy with her appearance and is convinced the surgery will make her look as beautiful as Demi, who is no stranger to cosmetic surgery herself. In a race against time, Lisa will undergo liposuction, a breast enhancement and eyebrow lift, plus extra work on her skin and teeth to fulfill her dream.
Lisa was just 27 when she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor known as meningioma.
The security guard who spent £3,500 so he could look like the DEVIL
His transformation began with his bizarre 'budding horns' - two domed implants made from hard Teflon on either side of his forehead. The £200-a-piece operations, carried out by a specialist in Manchester, were done without anesthetic in early 2008 - and took a total of five hours. The same cosmetic surgeon carried out a further procedure, also without anesthetic, to 'fork' his tongue - which involved slicing it down the middle with a scalpel. He later had a final operation to make his ears pointed at the tips. The fangs were achieved by grinding down his canine teeth and attaching £560 permanent ceramic crowns to each one. He also has 29 tattoos covering most of his upper body. To finish off his demonic look, Paslow wears green lizard-style contact lenses and, on special occasions, a long undertakers' tail coat combined with a frilly shirt.
The divorced father-of-two said his body is a work in progress and that he is not satanic but rather addicted to body modification.